Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"The Chritmas Show" Reaction...

A roundup of the latest"60" reaction from across the internets:

-DownWithTyranny! loves Ed Asner as the hero of the newly-emergent epic battle of Network Chair vs. the FCC.
-Just Another Pretty Farce has the goods for those of you wanting more of the "Christmas Myth" plotline from last night.
-BuddyTV sums up the conventional wisdom in saying: "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip finally delivered on its potential last night."
-John Eggerton at BCBeat (the blog of industry mag Broadcast&Cable) reacts to the new NBS/FCC battle: "Studio 60 is pretty darn preachy, which is no surprise for an Aaron Sorkin production, but fortunately for me its my favorite sermon."
-Dorothy Surrenders disusses the new implications for "60"'s female characters after the new Jordan/Danny and Matt/Harriet developments of last night.

That's a very cursory look at the general reaction, but, as I said, the general CW out of last night's ep was that "'Studio 60' has bounced back".

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